Sunday, January 3, 2010


I feel guilty...
He said he LOVES me.
I've dated a few guys, and yea I've said i love you...but I don't think I knew what it ment and to be honest I didn't really mean it. I realized that a few months after a long longgggg talk with my best friend alicia(:
I don't want to say I love you to just anyone...
So...I couldn't say it back. I mean its only been a few weeks!!!! How can you love someone so fast? Plus, truthfully, I don't love him. I like him...
I felt really bad because he looked at me waiting but i just kinda ignored it.

I've dated mostly guys that say I love you to get something...for years the same guy told me how much he cared...for sex. I always fell for really piss' me off when I think about it now. How was I soooooo dumb. And sadly enough, it wasn't just ONE guy that played stupid shit like that.
I'm not saying I was a good gf, cause a lot of times I wasn't, but when I liked someone...I really really liked them. I made a lot of dumb mistakes. I don't want to be like that anymore.
When I tell someone I love them I wanna really really mean it. someone that makes me completely happy and who I can picture being with for a really long time. Someone ment just for me... Someone who even after a day of shit I can go home and just forget everything.
When I meet this person, then I'll say I love you...

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